Sunday 1 March 2009

Sunday 1st March 2009

Yesterday, I was attending a conference on the Green New Deal as published by the NEF last summer. It was an upbeat conference which attempted to establish how my city - Sheffield, UK - could adopt some of the recommendations from the document in order to try to address the economic and climate crises.
We all came away feeling we had moved forward, and that there was plenty more to do; indeed, the conference was not closed, but adjourned. The delegates were from many organisations, including councillors and officers from Sheffield City Council, and we each brought something to the debates. The organisation was superb, allowing us all participation in at least three, and up to five, talks and workshops.
What I brought away from it most was the possibility of raising finance to do various "green" things, such as insulating the housing stock. These moves would create many jobs, reduce bills, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
Today, reading the paper about how far we're falling behind in terms of implementing green policies to work our way out of the economic mess, I became angry again. If Mr Brown can't understand that, when a scientist says something it's not a negotiating position but a fact, then we're on the way to done for. I emailed him - via Avaaz - and told him so.

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